Assignment: research paper
Study Level: Undergraduate
Page Count:3
Number of sources:4
Deadline: sat, Jan 31st, 4 pm
Topic:state at least three major curriculum components you would modify in this curriculum
Order Number:9868
Details:Hello: I need to use the following curriculum: Johns Hopkins School of nursing, Select a nursing curriculum to analyze. It may be a nursing curriculum in which you have taken a course in the past or one in which you plan to teach in the future. This curriculum may be one that is offered online, on ground (i.e., in classrooms), or through independent/directed study. It should be an undergraduate nursing curriculum (Associate or Baccalaureate level). You may not use FIU. Use the following criteria to evaluate the curriculum: • Specifically state at least three major curriculum components you would modify in this curriculum. State clearly the change theory approach and steps you would use to modify this curriculum to meet the expectations of society, the nursing profession, the accreditation criteria, the attributes and needs of the students, and the current needs of the patients and community for whom graduates will provide care? State your rationale for each of the above. • Use APA (2010) style appropriately for format of paper. I need to use different references and the theory approach can be found in: Saylor, C. (2015). Learning theories applied to curriculum development. Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing, 63-83. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC. My textbooks: Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (Required) Billings, D. M., & Halstead, J. A. (Eds.) ISBN: 1-4338-0561-810 Curriculum development in nursing education (Required) Iwasiw, C., Goldberg, D., & Andrusyszyn, M. ISBN: 978-0-7637-5595-9 Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing (Required) Keating, S. B. NY: Springer, 2nd Edition, 2011 ISBN: 978-0-8261-0722-0

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