An academic article is a novel paper drafted in line with specific rules and regulations of grammar. These rules stipulate how particular compositions are to be presented for grading as part of academic assignments. These papers are formulated according to instructions set up by lecturers in that a term paper or an examination can be presented as an essay paper. Essay papers can be amassed and ultimately graded as a project. An academic paper is habitually concise and direct to the point supporting facts that make up a thesis statement.
Therefore, meticulous research has to be carried out as these essays form projects afterward. This research is critical as they operate as sources of a literature review that are weighed against other sources. Deficiency of substantiated information and data supporting the thesis is injurious to students as they may attain poor grades on their papers. To avoid this occurrence, the writer has to keenly differentiate the various categories of academic papers so as to deliver what the client needs.
Plagiarism is a capital offense in the academic sphere. To avoid committing this violation, accurate citation of borrowed texts has to indicate their sources clearly. Quotes that are a sentence long pointed out using quotation marks. Quotes that contain important passages are blocked in the main essays to differentiate them from other texts in the academic paper.
Likewise, a writer can decide to cite a text verbatim from the source or rephrase it while retaining the original message. This exercise eliminates problems that might arise due to plagiarism while passing across the message. Employing the use of other authors’ works without citing them accordingly, is termed as lethargy. This laziness leads to the awarding of little marks to students’ essays. As a result, the ability of paraphrasing is crucial as it reflects the level of fortitude in the student’s knack to construe an original idea and owning it as their own.
Another important part of an academic paper is consistency. The coherence of an essay follows the flow of information from one paragraph to another to evenly link ideas in an understandable manner. Nevertheless, this does not mean that a writer has to do away with other parts of an essay paper as they might be critical in bringing out some major sections of the article.
Similarly, every section must act as a bridge between the preceding and the next paragraph making the entire paper easy to read and analyze. Once the fluency has been achieved, the writer has to eliminate any other errors that might arise by proofreading and edit his/her work. These errors if not checked and removed, they lower the quality of the paper. Thus to ensure that high grades are attained, the writer has to make certain that any presented paper is error-free.