Family Systems
1-What’s the relationship between Family Systems and Healthy Development?
2-What are the determining factors that distinguish healthy family systems?
3-What are the effects of an unhealthy family system on development.
4-Give details on family systems and how they affect physical, emotional, spiritual, and social development.
(at least 600 words and at least 2 academic journals from the Liberty Online Database)
Include a subheading per discussion question to keep the paper organized.
Follow the “APA Cheat Sheet” in the course closely!
Essay 2 Instructions
Trauma, Development, and Spirituality
1-Explain how trauma can affect development, most specifically neural development.
2-Discuss how spiritual development can counter the effects of trauma.
3-What elements influence how much trauma will impact a child?
4-Give details on the prevalence of different types of trauma and if they differ among different cultures.
(at least 600 words and at least 2 academic journals from the Liberty Online Database)
Include a subheading per discussion question to keep the paper organized.
Follow the “APA Cheat Sheet” in the course closely!
Essay 3 Instructions
Addiction in Adolescence
1-Explain the relationship between child abuse and addiction in adolescence.
2-How do substances affect the developing brain of an adolescent?
3-How does a healthy spiritual development effect the likelihood of addiction in the adolescent years?
4-Discuss local news coverage of alcohol or drug-related stories to adolescent use in your area.
(at least 600 words and at least 2 academic journals from the Liberty Online Database)
Include a subheading per discussion question to keep the paper organized.
Follow the “APA Cheat Sheet” in the course closely!
Essay 5 Developmental Analysis Instructions
1-Prenatal- Glean information from your mother about her pregnancy with you to see if there were any notable issues during that time. If you don’t have access to this information then state this in your paper.
2-Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Adolescence, Early Adulthood, Middle Adulthood – Cover your development in each of these stages (depending on your age). If you’re in early adulthood then obviously you can’t cover your development for middle adulthood because you haven’t experienced it yet. What has your development been like in each of these stages? Integrate your source information to support some of your statements in each section.
3-Spiritual- What has your spiritual development been like in your life so far?
4-Lifestyle Behaviors. What current lifestyle behaviors may be influencing your aging process? Some examples are exercise, nutrition, stress, and rest. How do you plan on improving your habits moving forward to maximize your longevity?
At least 8 pages (also include cover, abstract, and reference page)
At least 8 sources with 7 being from academic journals from the Liberty online database
Include a subheading per discussion question above to keep your paper organized
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