Archive by Author

Importance of employee management and training

Importance of employee management and training. Include an employee development and training plan

Role of HR

The changing role of HR How the organizational environment affects HR and how HR affects organizational culture How HR can be the force that leads change in an organization Fairness, opportunity, and legal Compliance within HR and HR practices How job descriptions and competencies affect work and the role of HR.

International business

1.Define the term “NAFTA 2.Select one country from NAFTA and develop a country profile 3.Describe the trading relationship within NAFTA (between the NAFTA countries)

SWOT analysis

Create a SWOT analysis of the usefulness of talent management in general. List the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) that could propel an organization toward the creation of a specific method to identify and develop the talent within the organization.

Team development

Compare your previous team experiences with the different stages of team development. What happened for the team at each stage? Did your team get stuck at one particular stage, say, the storming stage? What happened, and what insights does it provide? Describe how your team worked toward becoming a high performance team with these special […]

Resistance management

Discuss resistance management

Resistance to change.

Research the resistance to change in large system-change programs and address the following key points: Explain the concept of resistance to change. List and describe the various types and levels of resistance to change. Choose 1 type of resistance to change, and discuss how you would address that type of resistance at each stage in […]

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has published which U.S. equal opportunity employment laws apply outside of the United States as well as EEO regulations from Canada, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom. Identify which EEOC laws are hardest to enforce in another culture, and the primary HR-related challenges in these cultures.

Transformational leadership

Pick a leader with whom you have dealt and assess the degree to which they exhibited each of the four components of transformational leadership. Use specific examples. Given the overall description and definition of transformational leadership, would you classify the individual as a transformational leader?

Racial profiling

Racial profiling is frequently in the news and is a prime example of stereotyping in action. How does racial profiling relate to stereotyping? Explain.

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