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Unit V Article Review

Unit V Article Review

Search the CSU Online Library and locate an article related to hazard identification and control. The Business Source Complete, Academic Search Complete, and Academic OneFile databases are good places to start your search. Try using a variety of search terms (e.g., hazard identification, hazard control, hazard prevention, industrial hazards, occupational hazards, controlling hazards). Search terms can also be derived from the information in Chapter 14 of the course textbook.

The selected article must be from a professional or academic journal, at least two pages in length, and published within the last five years. Be sure that the article is specific to occupational safety and health as some search terms may result in articles related to the finance and insurance industries.

Write a review that includes the following components:

  •   a brief introduction to the article,
  •   a summary and analysis of the key points in the article,
  •   a discussion on how the article supports or contradicts the concepts as presented in the textbook, and
  •   a summary of the article’s conclusions and your own opinions.

    The assignment must be in APA format and at least two pages in length (not including title and reference pages).


    * must be all original

    *must be grade A quality

    *must cite references


    Part 2 (send answer seperate) 


    1. Select a workplace hazard with which you are familiar. Using the problem solving methodology below, discuss how you would approach each step for the hazard you selected.


  1. Identify the problem.
  2. Analyze the problem.
  3. Explore alternative solutions.
  4. Select a plan and take action.
  5. Examine the effects of the actions taken.

Response must be 200 words in length 2. You have been hired as a consultant to help a local machine shop solve a hazardous noise problem. The shop is 10,000 square feet in area, with 12-foot-high concrete block walls and a flat metal roof. Inside the shop are two band saws, two metal lathes, three drill presses, one milling machine, and three abrasive grinders. The six employees work at benches located throughout the shop, using a variety of pneumatic-powered hand tools and non-powered tools. A recent noise survey found sound pressure levels exceeding 100dBA in some parts of the shop. All employees were monitored for noise exposure over an eight-hour workday, and the calculated TWA for noise for the employees ranged from 88dBA to 97dBA. Determine a possible control measure for each of the six levels in the hierarchy of controls (p. 273 in your textbook), and explain the reasoning behind each choice. Which control measure(s) would you recommend to the machine shop manager?

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