Instructor wants us to write on this topic:
Week 1 Discussion:
Many of the world’s major and powerful cultures have not only permitted suicide but actually condoned acts of self sacrifice—Ancient Egypt, Classic Rome, China for almost three thousand years, Japan from pre-history into the 20th century, and Moghul India are but a few examples. Several major religions, including Islam and Hinduism, approve of suicide under certain conditions. On what basis have we the right, then, to say that suicide is wrong? Using the articles and media from the week, examine instances in which you believe that it is acceptable to kill oneself or to sacrifice oneself and then explain instances in which you think that it is not ethically permissible to do so. Be sure to include reasons that support your claims.
My first intial post for day 1:
Week 1: Is suicide permissable? | Theresa Duarte | 7/23/2015 1:19:23 PM |
I was raised in a church and so my belief is that suicidal should not be considered at all. I think it is wrong in God’s eyes and he gives us other options that I will verify with you in next post. Does a person have a right to take his or her own life? Should we help another person take his or her life away because of suffering? Here is what God tells us to do and how to handle despair, anxiety and worrying: First I will go into why many people commit suicide and then give you Bible verses to prove my evidence of why it is considered to be wrong. Here is a verse to start us off on this topic. “1 Corinthians 6:19,20 – Your body is a temple of God. It does not belong to you but to God to be used for His glory. This is the fundamental issue between those who justify suicide and those who do not: Whose body is it and for what should it be used?”
iNSTRUCTOR’S RESPONSE TO MY FIRST POST: Theresa, Do you see this an issue of one of morality or ethics as being relative to one’s experiences, i.e. does one have to be faced with the problem to truly have a real opinion?
Below is an interesting article about ethical realism. Please read as time permits and use it as an adjunct to our discussion. ( This is the website I was going to use but the instructor had ask me to red the following website above and answer his question in linked to my first post |
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