Many artists have left interesting collections of self-portraits that reveal something about their experiences, self-awareness, emotional and psychological development, as well as their changing outward appearance. Beginning with a museum example, create a biography of an artist based upon his/her self-portraiture.
Must include:
- A general discussion of your chosen theme and its relevance to art (at least one page in length)
- Complete, detailed descriptions of the works of art that are the subjects of your research (at least one page in length for each work of art)
- A discussion of the ways in which the theme is expressed or communicated in the works,based on your research (four to six pages in length)
- A concluding summary that briefly explains the conclusions drawn about this theme interrelation to these works of art, based on your research (one page)
- A complete bibliography
- Double-space.
- Use 12 point serif font, preferably Times or Courier.
- Include a complete bibliography, written in standard bibliographic format.
- You must use a minimum of four sources and a minimum of two sources that appear in print volumes.
- Write an outline
Sources only from:
- Grove Dictionary of Art
- Encyclopedia of World Art
- Gardner’s Art Through the Ages (your textbook)
- Janson’s History of Art
- Art Index
- V asari’s Lives of the Artists
- Academic Search Premier
- Art Full Text
Since this is an academic research paper, limit your resources to scholarly publications. These include textbooks, articles in academic journals, and publications produced by universities and museums.
DO NOT USE the popular press, Wikipedia, travel sites and other sources that are not subject to scholarly peer review. If you are unsure of the appropriateness of a source, check with your instructor.
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