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Workplace Ethics

“Unethical Situations in the Workplace”  Please respond to the following:

•Recall a time when you experienced an unethical situation at a work place. What events led up to this situation? Do you think it could have been avoided? Did the company take the right action?

“Hacking Into Harvard”  Please respond to the following:

•Read Case 2.1: Hacking into Harvard, located here or on page 71 in your textbook. As applicants began to defend themselves against the penalties handed out by the business schools, they appealed to both consequentialist and nonconsequentialist criteria to support their actions. Some responded by pointing out that their intentions were never malicious, while others argued they did not think checking their application statuses would cause any real harm. Review the case study and analyze the actions of the students from a Kantian perspective. Consider whether the actions taken by the hackers were permissible according the standard of universal acceptability.



“Individuals and Change” Please respond to the following:

•Give an example from your current place of employment or your previous place of employment when a change was implemented well versus when a change that was not implemented well. Explain the scenario in each example and why the implementation was either successful or not. Compare and contrast the differences between the implementation of the change.



“Manager’s Influence on Behavior” Please respond to the following:

•Examine the most common differences affecting employees with organizations and give two (2) specific examples of techniques that managers can use to effectively capitalize on the individual differences of their staff to accomplish the shared mission of the organization.


“Assessing Stakeholder Positions”  Please respond to the following:

•Apple is about to release its latest technology. The company needs to develop a plan to communicate with key stakeholders about the release. You have been tasked with identifying those main stakeholders and selecting the method for communicating with each group. Summarize your plan in a two to three paragraph post.


Project Management

Many of you may believe that you have never worked in project management, but in reality, most of you have already at some point in your life. Think back to a time when you organized a key event (e.g., birthday parties, weddings, yard projects, house renovations, family vacations, projects at work) which meets the definition of a project.

oDescribe the event you planned.

oSummarize the things that went well and / or things that went wrong.

oBe sure to reference some of the key skills covered from the chapter.

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