Prepare a 1400- to 1750-word paper nominating a 20th century figure whose work or artistic contributions stand out in your mind as genius. Your nominee must have a body of work that falls into one of the categories we have been discussing in this class: art, architecture, literature, music, or philosophy. Under the umbrella of the visual and performing arts, you could also choose a dancer/choreographer, actor/actress, photographer, or filmmaker, for example.
The paper must include the following:
- An explanation of how you understand and define ‘genius’ and why the person you selected is worthy of special recognition
- A brief synopsis of the individual’s life and times
- A survey of the ideas or artistic works recognized as reflecting genius. Your paper should identify at least 3 specific examples of the individual’s ideas and/or artistic works recognized as reflecting genius.
- An appraisal of the individual’s impact on the arts and culture
- An assessment of whether the individual’s contributions are likely to continue influencing artistic and cultural development
Cite at least three references in writing this paper. One of your references must be scholarly source and one of your references must be a popular source.
Prepare a 3- to 6-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you defend your choice and explain why the nominee is worthy of special recognition. You should also highlight the nominee’s major contributions to arts and culture. Note: The 3-to 6-slide count does not include your title slide, questions slide, and/or references slide.
Give a 5-7 minute presentation on the person you have nominated for a Genius Award. In order to receive full credit for this assignment, you must give an in-class presentation.
Format your paper and presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Note: Papers and presentations will be assessed for the following: content, organization, and structure and how well students defend their choice of genius. Detail, creativity, the use of visual and/or audio aides will also be factors in assessing the final work.
Remember that you must cite at least three references in writing this paper. One of your references must be a scholarlysource and one of your references must be a popular source.
Remember, too, that your discussion of the person you choose for the Genius Award should include more than a list of awards they have received within their field. The number of awards one has received, for example, does not constitute genius. More importantly, you should focus on why your chosen nominee may have received all of those awards or accolades.
Your paper should identify at least 3 specific examples of the individual’s ideas and/or artistic works recognized as reflecting genius, and explain why these works or ideas are examples of genius.
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