tyle=”text-align: justify;”>Human resource Management
In what ways may gender be relevant to emotional labour?
Relevant papers may include:
Lopez, S.H. (2006) Emotional labor and organized emotional care: Conceptualizing nursing home care work. Work and Occupations, 33: 133-60.
Nixon, D. (2009) “I can’t put a smiley face on”: Working class masculinity, emotional labour and service work in the “new economy”. Gender, work and organization, 16(3), 300-22.
Meier, K.J. Mastracci, S. H. and Wilson, K. (2006), Gender and Emotional Labour in Public Organizations: An empirical examination of the link to performance. Public administration review, 66: 899-909.
Taylor, S. and Tylor, M. (2000) Emotional labour and sexual difference in the airline industry. Work Employment & Society, 14(1): 77-95
Williams, C. (2003), Sky Service: The Demands of Emotional Labour in the Airline Industry. Gender, Work & Organization, 10: 513–550.
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