Study Level:College
Page Count:3
Number of sources:3
Topic:Water Pollution
Order Number:4082
Details:Develop and expand on each topics in the following paragraphs.
Summarize the key points in the final paragraph, and include some of
your thoughts as well on the subject. Figures can be included to
illustrate points, but they must be labeled, and if they come from one
o f your sources, you need to so state underneath the figure in a
caption For your sources, you must have at least 2 references outside
of your textbook and they must be listed in your Bibliography /Works
Cited section in alphabetical order . These can be journals,
magazines, other books, internet sources, etc. Don’t just stick to
easy websites like Wikipedia, do some searching around, especially on
websites from environmental societies, like the Science Daily,
Discover Magazine , National Geographic, Citizens Environmental Coal
ition of Houston,, Sierra Club Houston, Trust for
Public Land, etc. Almost every region of the country (and world) has
several environmental societies . There are also many groups that
operate overseas internationally and in within many countries.
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