Unit IV Assignment
Facility Visit
The planning and construction process for a sport facility is complex and requires a variety of building materials, construction elements, and exterior and interior components. For this assignment, locate a sport facility in your area. This can include a college arena, high school gymnasium, YMCA, fitness center, or a parks and recreation facility. Determine a time to visit this facility; you may have to contact the facility management to schedule this. If you are deployed military or have another situation that does not allow you to make a facility visit, please locate a virtual facility tour online. To do this, you can use a search engine to search “virtual stadium tour,” “virtual sport facility tour,” or something similar to this. Note that if you select the virtual option, you may have to conduct additional research to answer the required questions.
Next, you will write a three-page paper answering the questions presented in the following section. References are not required for this assignment if the facility is visited in person, but you may include them if you want to provide more depth to your paper. If you used a virtual tour and/or had to conduct outside research, a reference page must be included.
Steps for completing the assignment are as follows:
Select a sport facility to visit (or view virtually).
1. Visit the sport facility and take with you the following list of questions to answer in your paper. a. Revenue and marketing: i. What are the likely sources of sport and activity revenue? Is this facility marketable? Can the facility earn revenue from area organizations like churches, schools, civic and social clubs, and corporations? b. Facility spaces and equipment: i. What is the quality of the playing surfaces and activity areas? What kinds of competition areas or exercise areas are available? What are the fixtures and equipment (lighting, HVAC, phone system, TV’s, sound system, warm up area, showers, café tables, spectator seating, etc.) like? Are locker rooms, a reception area, and office space available? Are there conference rooms, party rooms, changing rooms, lockable storage, administrative offices, visitor offices, and medical examining rooms? c. Staffing: i. What is the staffing like? What can be improved in terms of safety? d. Parking: i. What is the quality of the parking area outside the facility? e. Industry standards: i. How do you see industry standards for sport facilities incorporated into this facility? ii. What design and construction regulations did you identify in the design of the facility? iii. What is your overall impression of the facility? 2. Read the instructor feedback from the last assignment, and apply it as you write this paper.
BSM 4001, Sport Facilities 6
3. Write the paper. Include in the content: a. an introductory section naming the sport facility you chose and an overview of where it is located, when it was built, etc., b. the answers to the questions listed above, and c. a summary of your overall impression of the sport facility. 4. Submit your paper according to the information provided below.
Paper requirements are as follows:
Write a minimum of three double-spaced pages. Address the topic of the paper using critical thought. The required information listed above should clearly stand out and be unambiguous. Otherwise, it will be determined to be missing. Ensure that all parts of your paper are formatted according to the APA style as detailed in the approved APA manual. Include a title page that includes: o title of paper, o your name, and o university name. Include an introductory section at the start of your paper. Include the following first-level headings: o Revenue and Marketing o Facility Spaces and Equipment o Staffing o Parking o Industry Standards o Conclusion References are not required for this assignment; however, include a reference page as the final page of your paper, if references were used. Ensure that this page is completed and formatted according to the correct APA style. Avoid the serious consequence of plagiarism by using your own words and including citations for sources you used. As with all discussion board responses and assignments, non-scholarly sources such as Wikipedia and About.com may not be cited in your work.
Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.
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