Paper 2 – Ethics in LTC Administration (Completed Individually) – Links with Course Objectives 1, 2, 3, and 4 The purposes of this individual paper is to a.) develop your critical thinking skills and b.) enhance your problem solving and decision making abilities, and (3) improve your knowledge and expertise about ethical issues in long term care. Preparing a case analysis also provides you with an opportunity to develop your writing effectiveness. This part of the course focuses on a paper addressing the legal and ethical issues of long term care administration. Students may select from two case studies in the text book. The first option is located on pages 229 and 230 of the McSweeney-Feld and Oetjen textbook, entitled “End-of-life and the Family”. The questions your paper must respond to are located on page 230 of the textbook. The second case option is located on pages 230 and 231 of the McSweeney-Feld and Oetjen textbook and is entitled “Refusing Treatment”. The questions for this case are located on page 231 of the textbook. You will post your preferences in a class conference set up for that purpose in week 1. The instructor reserves the right to reassign students to assure there is sufficient coverage for both case scenarios. This paper is not to be done in consultation with any other students. Students will need to incorporate a basic understanding of the long term care industry, legal issues, resources available to help the manager address the problem, and a sound ethical basis for problem-solving. The review of each case should not exceed 8 double spaced pages, not including your APA cover page and a reference page. All type must be Times Roman 12 point pica. All case analyses must be posted in the conference section and in the student’s personal assignment folder according to the dates and times identified in the syllabus. The due dates are important because the instructor wants the cases posted to enable sufficient time for discussion and dialog in the conference session associated with that topic. This will allow students the time necessary to review your case study before responding in the scheduled conference. The goal is to provide a set of diverse analyses of long term care ethics to give students an appreciation of the complexity and challenges of these issues by enabling students in the class to compare and contrast the different approaches to ethical issues. You also will post the case analysis in your assignment folder for grading. The paper should not exceed 8 pages, double spaced in length. The individual paper 2 accounts for 20 points, or 20 percent of your grade.
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