UMUC HCAD635 Paper 1 – Longterm Care
Paper 1 – Advising Parents on LTCOptions (Completed Individually) – Links with Course Objectives 1, 2, 3, and 4 The purposes of this assignment are to help you a.) effectively use research resources through library data bases and search engines to complete course requirements, b.) improve your critical thinking skills, and c.) develop your effectiveness in applying long term care concepts, programs, and services to a real life situation for millions of Americans – providing practical and evidence based advice to individuals regarding their options for addressing their long term care needs. In this assignment you will address a hypothetical scenario that involves assumptions about Mary and Don, including: extent of disability, living situation, financial situation, service preferences, and specific questions presented to you in terms of their concerns and issues. This assignment may require you to make some assumptions about their situation in order to completely respond to the scenario. Please ask questions if you have any concerns about this. You will be expected to integrate the concepts and information in the first few weeks of the course to present a thorough and cogent explanation of (1) the long term care options appropriate to their circumstances and preferences, (2) the implications of each option for their longer term financial security and social quality of life, and (3) a specific set of recommendations on what they should do. The specific case scenario involving Mary and Don is found on pages 36 and 37 of your McSweeney-Feld and Oetjen text book. The specific questions you must respond to in your analysis of the scenario are found on page 37 of the text book. The response should not exceed six pages double-spaced, excluding title page and references. All type must be Times Roman 12 point pica. Post to your assignment folder. The individual paper 1 represents 10 points or ten percent of your final grade.
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