Two approaches to Folly: Using Sebastian Brant’s The Ship of Fools and Desiderius Erasmus’s Praise of Folly, take one or more types of fool that are illustrated in both works, and compare and contrast how they are dealt with. Take into account the length of time that each author spends on dealing with the type in question, the amount of description devoted to evoking the type, the form that the reasoning about the qualities and shortcomings of the type, and how that is worked into the overall structure that is characterizes each work. Furthermore, reflecting how the poem’s or essay’s own form influences the presentation of the type of fool, write a comparative assessment on how Brant and Erasmus approach the same (type[s] of) fool(s) showing both points of similarity and aspects of divergence in the ways they deal with the particular figure. (25 points) (1,000 word
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