Your goal this module is to identify how culture is transmitted. For this, you will first investigate your family history to see how culture is transmitted at the micro-level. Next, you will apply your findings to strategies you can use to transmit your company’s culture to a new employee from abroad. The entire paper should be 4 pages.
Start by interviewing your family members, especially older relatives. Find out what aspects of culture (important celebrations, music, food, languages spoken, etc.) were passed on from the older generations to you. Where do these aspects of culture originate? Is what you learned similar or different from the original culture?
Then, using what you have learned by investigating your own family, suggest ways in which you can transmit your corporation’s culture effectively to a new employee from the United Arab Emirates. Back up your suggestions with evidence from at least two sources.
The discussion of your family history should be about two pages, and the discussion of how you can transmit your company’s culture to the new employee should be an additional two pages. The complete paper should be four pages and should use correct APA formatting.
For APA guidelines, go to the Rasmussen College online library, which you can access through the Resources tab in this course.
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