research paper of 3 pages about any topics in Thermodynamics
1.Benedictine Orphanage and a new medical building in Tanzania are in need of power supply. Please design a system which provides power economically and with minimum maintenance.
- A region in Honduras needs an economic sanitation system to protect their drinking water reservoir. Many families do not have electricity yet.
- Wright Brothers developed a 100-horse power internal combustion engine for their airplane. They didn’t have any previous experience to design engines. Please design a 300 HP. Please show that an engine with the following specification can provide about 140 HP, as an exercise.
n A 6-cylinder I.C. engine with stroke = 9.5 cm, bore = 9 cm
n Compression ratio=10
n At intake manifold p=0.8 atm, T=250K
n Fuel-to-air ratio=0.06 (by mass)
n hmech=0.75, h=0.83
n Running at 3000 rpm
- Other Thermodynamic design after consulting with your instructor. Examples are making ice using solar energy, air-conditioning unit by using camping fire, etc.
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