You are going to continue the process of finding a solution to your chosen problem. This project is going to go through the next two steps of the problem solving heuristic (decide and implement).
The assignment will be broken down into 3 parts:
Decision on solution (20 Points): A solution to the problem will be selected. Selection will be done through the use of a K.T. Decision analysis. An adverse consequences analysis will be completed as well to ensure the chosen solution is a better choice. A K.T. Potential Problem Analysis will also be completed to identify possible problems that should be addressed in the implementation of the chosen solution. Diagrams showing the use of those three analyses will be submitted as part of the project.
Implementation of solution (20 points): Implementation of your chosen solution will be planned. Planning for implementation will be done through the use of multiple time and resource charts. A Gantt chart, critical path chart, deployment chart, and a budget will be need to be created and submitted as part of the project.
Oral Presentation (15 Points) and Report (20 Points): A presentation showing the decision made to solve the problem and how it would be implemented will be presented to the class as an oral presentation. The oral presentation will require a visual aid. A report will also need to be submitted (in written form) that outlines everything that was done about the problem . The report will need to contain the following sections/information:
- Introduction (What was the problem again? Summary of TR2)
- Solution Decision (What solution did you choose and what were the factors considered for your final choice?)
- Solution Implementation (How much time, personnel, and resources will be needed to implement your chosen solution?)
- Appendix (K.T. Decision Analysis with Adverse Consequences, K.T. Potential Problem Analysis, Gantt Chart, Critical Path Chart, Deployment Chart, Budget)
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