• Intra-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary
• Mix of staff
• Unit specific needs
1. Paper must be 4 + pages of typed content (does not include title page or reference page)
2. Times New Roman # 12 font
3. Must be APA format – available on the portal through the library
4. Contents of Paper – in the following order
• Title page
• Introduction Paragraph
• List of four references and why you chose them
A. Must be from nursing journals from 2009 to current
B. The Journal of Nursing Management is recommended for two resources
• Address all the bulleted points from the topic list
5. E-mailed copy of your presentation, handouts (print 3 topic pages per sheet) to both
Professor Shonberg and myself by 2/18 @ 10 P.M. to present on 2/21 and 2/25 if you
will be presenting on 2/28
• Included in the e-mailed attachments
. Your APA formatted paper
. Handouts and powerpoints
. A copy of the grading rubric
• Your reference articles need to be presented to the instructor prior to the presentation
6. Presentation time 8 – 10 minutes
7. Professional preparedness is important for your presentation day. Look sharp and ready.
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