In business, it is necessary to clearly articulate what accomplishments are made, what activities are happening or ongoing, and what problems or opportunities there may be in within or outside of the organization. Additionally, to stand out as a valuable employee to leadership in an organization, you must possess the ability to document and orally communicate your value to the organization. Developing strong verbal communication skills and the ability to deliver well thought out and relevant talking points in a formal, audiovisual presentation is a highly desirable competency that employers look for in prospective leaders. Assignment: Since public speaking is one of the weakest competencies for many professionals, this performance based learning activity will help strengthen your knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors in public speaking. KapTalk is a Kaplan University School of Business program designed to help you refine and strengthen your verbal communication abilities. DIRECTIONS: Preparation: Visit the Capstone Experience website at and review the KapTalk public speaking materials to better understand what it takes to deliver an effective public speaking performance. In addition, you will be required to electronically sign a release for the materials you will create as part of Kap-talk, see website for details. Practice: Develop a minimum 10-slide PowerPoint presentation and add audio to it. Access instructions on how to add audio to your presentation located in Doc Sharing. Use the grading rubric provided in this Assignment to judge your performance. Using the criteria found in the Assignment grading rubric, evaluate your own presentation. Feel free to reach out to your fellow learners to ask if they will help review your presentation using the grading rubric. It is highly recommended that you correspond with and receive feedback from your fellow learners. You should also participate in providing feedback to your fellow learners as well. Unit 7 [MT490 Career Engagement] Page 2 of 6 Perform: In this Assignment, you will have the option of selecting the type of presentation you will produce and deliver. Whichever presentation type you select, you will be required to deliver the presentation based on your experiences working for your internship/externship employer. Select a presentation type from the following list: ● Sell a product or a service ● Conduct an instructional session on a topic ● Defend an argument or position the business is taking ● Explain your position on a research topic relating to the business strategy ● Play a role in an informational interview about the business ● Deliver a motivational speech about the business or your experience Example 1: If the business provides a service, your presentation will be to sell that product as if you were in front of a potential customer. Example 2: If there is research being conducted or research you believe should be conducted to move the businesses strategy forward, take a position (positive or negative), and provide reasoning for your position based on experience, and in relation to theories and concepts from the research. Requirements: 1. View the PowerPoint best practices (Writing Center link: enceLibrary/WritingTypesAndTools/CreatingEffectivePowerpointPresentations.aspx) 2. Prepare a 10 minute presentation on your chosen topic using a specified presentation type. 3. Create a minimum of 10 PowerPoint slides (excluding cover slide and reference slide). 4. Use a minimum of 3 references to support or refute your experiences, observations, thoughts, ideas, etc. 5. Keep in mind all of the Professional Competencies when you present. 6. Submit your PowerPoint Presentation (with audio) to the Unit 6 Discussion Board and provide a detailed description of your presentation. 7. Provide feedback on a minimum of two of your fellow learners’ presentations. 8. After incorporating the feedback you received from your classmates, update your presentation and submit to the Unit 7: Kap-Talk Assignment Dropbox. Professional Competencies PC -1: Teamwork: Work in teams to achieve collective goals. PC 1.1: Engage in a team setting with professional integrity and respect. PC 1.2: Contribute to team goals and objectives through active participation and collaboration. PC 1.3: Apply conflict management skills to resolve issues and/or build team alliances. Unit 7 [MT490 Career Engagement] Page 3 of 6 PC-2: Leadership: Demonstrate leadership knowledge, skills, and abilities to successfully lead teams within one’s profession. PC 2.1: Achieve goals through planning and prioritization. PC 2.2: Formulate innovative solutions for identified initiatives. PC 2.3: Demonstrate integrity through the application of relevant codes of conduct and social responsibility within one’s profession. PC 2.4: Develop an inspirational vision or mission. PC 2.5: Model leadership skills by developing trusting relationships, respect, conflict resolution skills, and civic-mindedness. PC-3: Personal Presentation: Demonstrate professionalism in a variety of situations. PC 3.1: Conduct oneself to reflect the professional characteristics and culture of a given work setting. PC 3.2: Interact with others in a professional manner using appropriate communication and presentation skills. PC 3.3: Convey competence through demonstrating characteristics such as reliability, accountability, and timeliness. PC 3.4: Project a professional image, such as appearance, confidence, and attitude, for a given work environment. PC 3.5: Engage in career development and advancement strategies, including effective networking, mentoring, and creating a personal brand. PC 4: Multiculturalism and Diversity: Leverage the strengths of multiculturalism and diversity for the benefit of the organization and community. PC 4.1: Assess the value of multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment. PC 4.2: Demonstrate an understanding of how one’s perspective toward multiculturalism and diversity impacts an organization. PC 4.3: Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change. PC-5: Communications: Demonstrate professional written and verbal communication to achieve positive results. PC 5.1: Use language that is clear, concise, and organized. PC 5.2: Use appropriate communication for a particular audience. PC- 6 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: Apply critical thinking and problem solving behaviors. PC 6.1: Incorporate data, inferences, and reasoning to solve problems. PC 6.2: Communicate the critical thinking process by which one arrives at a conclusion. Unit 7 [MT490 Career Engagement] Page 4 of 6 PC 6.3: Integrate standards of the field and ethical principles into the problem solving process.
I work as an dental assistant and collections manager at third creek dental!!!
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