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strayer HSA300 week1 to week 5 discussions

Week 1 dq1 “HCOs” Please respond to the following: · Should the text have started with, “Building healthy communities is the focus of HCOs, including patient care but going well beyond”? Explain your answer. · Examine the major components of the U.S. health care system to determine where the greatest opportunity for improvement exists. · Provide examples of some of the “going well beyond” activities. Week 1 dq2 “Transformational Management” Please respond to the following: · Why do high-performing HCOs strive for transformational styles? · Propose ways that accountability can be achieved in high-performing, transformational HCOs. · How comfortable would you be working in a high-performing, transformational organization? · Compare and contrast how political, economic, and social forces have influenced changes in the United States’ healthcare system. Week 2 dq1 “Leadership” Please respond to the following: · Explain and defend your views on each of the following statements: o “Managers do not give orders.” o “Managers do not make decisions.” o “Managers spend a lot of time listening.” o “The governing board’s calendar ultimately forces a decision.” o “Imagination is an important managerial skill.” Week 2 dq2 “Operational Leadership” Please respond to the following: · Create a scenario that depicts how a first-line leader should act to fulfill the purpose and functions of operational leadership in his or her area. · Determine how the senior leadership team knows that it has fulfilled the purpose and function of operational leadership well. · How do individual senior leaders evaluate their own contribution? Week 3 dq1 “Governance” Please respond to the following: · Should every community have its own healthcare organization with its own mission, or should hospitals be like Wal-Mart, where the mission is set once for the world? State your position. · If there is a virtue to individual community missions, determine what is it, and how a local governing board should establish a mission. Week 3 dq2 (This video looks at some different outcome measures and the fact that the issue is not only having outcomes, but being able to apply them to patient care. ) “Clinical Performance” Please respond to the following: · Why should clinical performance be focused on outcomes? · How do you differentiate the concepts of quality, appropriateness, economy, and efficiency? · Analyze the way that medical decisions are made and explain why it is important that medical decisions involve probabilities. Health Outcomes Measurement in Orthopedic Hospital Duration: (3:02) “Physician Relationships” Please respond to the following: · The traditional model of hospital privileges and fee-for-service practice can be described as a partnership, a sharing of responsibility between the physician and the institution. Examine what each party does in this partnership to contribute to the partnership, and what each expects to get from it. · Assess how this partnership between the physician and the healthcare organization is changing in the 21st century. Week 4 dq2 “Nursing” Please respond to the following: · In view of a national nursing shortage and inadequate numbers of nursing faculty for increasing enrollments, determine the recommendations would you make to ensure an adequate supply of nurses in your organization. · Evaluate the key nursing performance measures by which a healthcare organization may monitor nursing effectiveness. Week 5 dq1 “Clinical Support Services” Please respond to the following: · Patient scheduling is often an issue that involves several Clinical Support Services (CSSs). Some CSSs must be scheduled in specific sequence, requiring the patient to be moved from place to place. Delays should be minimized, but service times are not always predictable. Propose ways that an excellent organization would address these scheduling problems. · Illustrate the primary role of the managers in Clinical Support Services in providing and improving quality patient care. Week 5 dq2 “Approach to Clinical Support Services” Please respond to the following: · A small hospital in a well-managed healthcare system can consider three ways to obtain clinical support services: “stand alone” (hire its own healthcare professionals); “outsource” (buy services from local providers); and “affiliate” (arrange for training, procedures, and supervision through its system). Determine how the organization should come to a decision regarding which approach to providing CSSs is preferable. · Who should be involved in that decision? · Assess the primary performance measure used to evaluate the effectiveness of CSSs.

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