Subject: World Affairs
Study Level:College
Page Count:10
Number of sources:0
Spacing: single
Deadline:6th, 6 pm
Order Number:26327
Details: A Short History of Asians in America Paper instructions: Please ‘’critique’’ Alexander pp 185-207, the film “A Short History of Asians in America” and the two internet articles, “How the NY Times Helped Railroad Wen Ho Lee,” and “100 Years of Anti-Arab Stereotyping,” all in one page. single space >>> Topic: Asian Americans 1. Assignment: Alexander pp 185-207 2, Assignment: A Short History of Asians in America (a video, although you will still write about this as a reading assignment) 3. Assignment: Who is Wen Ho Lee 4. Assignment: 100 Years of Anti-Arab Stereotyping 1. This is the textbook name of the Assignment one: Alexander, Michelle. 2010. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. New York: The New Press. 2. This is the link of the assignment two: 3, This is the link of the assignment three:
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