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75 words

I have to say that if you are working with someone that is doing this you will really may not know at all and if you do it may be to late. I have to say that I worked with a nurse for over two years and had no clue that she was using untill she messed up and left the needle behind in the bathroom at work and we walked in behind her and found it. I think that every job has a stander procedure in place if they think someone is using drugs.

75 words

I have to agree with you I think that she did that because she was careless in someway or she wanted to be caught to get help. I have to say that we need to be able to help people out their that works with you that need it and I think turning your check and acting like you see nothing is the wrong thing to do but sometimes it is hard not to do that.




75 words

I have not saw this lately, I know people with these drug additions will eventually get caught. Some probably think they would never get caught. I think jobs should do a random drug test. Once they get taught they use crazy excuse.  In your case, it sad that a person been working for an organization for many years get terminated. All because of a drug addition.




75 words

I can agree, that people who have additions are smart and resourceful. I think your workplace have a good program. I hope if any employees who do have an addiction will receive this service. It is the employee’s fault that they got terminated because they decided to continue the drugs.




75 words

It is hard to give up an addition, but it to the person if they want to let it go. They have to put forward the effort. I also, feel sorry for people who are on drugs and for the families. Not only additions hurt the person, but have an affect on their loved ones financially and mentally.



75 words

I have to say that this is so true that people turn the other check and sweep things under the carpet so they do not have to deal with it. I think that this is total the wrong way of during things, because I think you are in the wrong and you should be also have corrective actions against you if you know about it and do nothing to help them out as well as your place of employment.




75 words

Lot of companies have a drug program that employees can utilize. Most times the person has to admit that they have a problem and have to successfully complete the program. Yes, I agree that the people are not aware of the risk they can cause. Certain drugs have a smell, that can be picked up another person. Marijuana has a strong odor.




75 words

I agree with you that it will lead to them not doing their job the right way. I never could understand how people can get high before work. I think sometimes people have not be exposed to people that use drugs. So sometimes those people tend to not know the signs and symptoms of a drug abuser. I had an employees once who was high when he came to work. I pulled him to the side and asked him did he do anything before he came to work that would cause harm to the customers, employees, or himself. He said yes and explained what he did. I sent him home. People may not be aware of how much of a risk they put others and themselves when they are on drugs.



75 words

There are two different types of systems of equations – consistent and inconsistent.  As we begin to discuss consistent and inconsistent systems of equations, think about why we would want to know what type of system it is before attempting to solve it.  Would this save us any time?  Why or why not?  If you are having trouble distinguishing the two types of systems, think about what it means to be consistent and inconsistent in something.  For instance, pretend you are a retail clerk that helps people find a few different items in a store.  What would it mean if your supervisor said that you consistently completed your job well?  What if they said that your work was very inconsistent – what would that imply?  After pretending to be this retail clerk and understanding what consistent and inconsistent mean in life, why do you think mathematicians would use these words to differentiate between systems of equations?


75 words

That was different way I went at it, but I like how you answered that.  I didn’t get to the other part, but that definitely is true.  In life we definitely want to be consistent and as mathematician and staying independent because that’s what makes you one not being dependent on others.  For the equation it takes your time away showing you before the graph that its consistent



75 words

Going by the retail clerk it lets the him/her know that they continuously do what they suppose to and if they do at times and not others shows their inconsistency.  The same goes for equations being consistent and inconsistent.  Its times when the equation will give different pairs that may not always meet at one point of the graph like the ones that intersect at one point.




75 words

A system of linear equations is a compilation of two or more equations with the same set of unknowns. You need to find the values of the unknown variables that make the statement true. Our book gives a good example of linear equations in two variables using a word statement. They state that “the sum of two numbers is ten, while their difference is 4.” Written out in algebraic form, this would be: x + y = 10, x – y = 4 if we allow x and y to stand in for our numbers. Both of these equations are linear equations in two variables. A solution to the equations would be an ordered pair (x, y) that makes both equations true. Basically, the x and the y values, if plugged into both equations would make both statements correct. X cannot be represented by both 2 and 4 for example. It has to be represented by one number, not two. If the solution is a true statement for both equations, the ordered pair will give a coordinate on a graph where the two lines intersect since a graph would normally show two lines. In order to solve you could plug the following ordered pairs into the equations to see if it is a true statement; (7, 3). Substitute 7 for x and 3 for y values into each equation and solve.




75 words

Thank you for responding to the DQ this week.  I see that you provided an example of an equation for us.  However, the example was only one equation and a system of equations consists of two or more equations.  Can you provide us with an example of a system of equations?  Maybe one that the rest of the class could try to solve.




75 words

I really like your example of systems of linear equations for two variables. I am taking quite a few notes on each step and how to solve each equation. For some reason, I keep forgetting to include the solution set such as (3,5) in my answers. When I am using the substitution method in the equation, I have to double check my arithmetic because just one mistake can throw the whole problem off. I guess that is why we check the solution to makes sure everything equals out.



75 words

I hope the reading in the textbook is going well for you.  As we continue through the class, one thing that you will notice is that there begins to be multiple ways to solve certain problems.  One instance is with systems of equations.  As the discussion question mentions, we have 3 different ways to solve a system of equations.  Why do you think we would want 3 different methods?  As you respond to the discussion question and the pros and cons to each method, think about situation in which each method would be the most useful.  What types of systems of equations would be easiest to solve with graphing?  Or substitution?  Or elimination?  Does this help explain why it is helpful to have multiple methods for solving equations?




75 words

I tend to favor the substitution method because it seems as if you get the answer quicker and easier. Just solve and plug in and you are doing fine. With the elimination method I seem to forget what the devil I’m doing. If I see a negative sign I really get confused.


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