Paper guidelines
Written Assignment
Select one of the following maternal-child health issues. Provide a complete and thorough explanation to the following questions.
An introductory and conclusion paragraphs are required.
Option 4: Sexually Transmitted Infections and the Elderly
Prompt One-Provide an overview of this issue, identifying the statistical data.
Prompt Two-What are the care issues/challenges associated with elderly women who are diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections.
Prompt Three-Develop a prevention teaching plan for the elderly population.
Prompt Four- Discuss the impact that sex enhancement drugs have on this issue.
Prompt Five-As a future nurse (include three roles of the nurse), how would you plan to address the issue?
Coppin State University
Directions for the paper/writing assignment:
1. You want to prepare this assignment in APA 6th edition format, must have at least five sources-two-three recent articles and at least two internet sources. You cannot use WebMD, HealthyMinds, emedicinehealth or Wikipedia. You need to use a quality internet source that has an identified author or Nationally/Internationally recognized organization.
2. Must have an introduction and conclusion
3. Use the questions for this assignment as subheadings in APA format. The question prompts serve as the body of the paper.
4. Paper should not exceed five (5) page excluding cover and reference page
5. Paper needs to be submitted by the posted due date. Need two (2) hardcopies and one TurnItIn attachment. The paper will not be graded if it is not submitted using TurnItIn and providing the hard copies.
6. If you quote, it must be limited to no more than 80 quoted words. Direct quotes are allowed, but must be limited to the 80 quoted words. You are required to use quotation notes. Ideally, the wording of the majority of the paper should be paraphrased. The document must be considered at least 70 percent original thought. Failure to achieve this standard will result in a grade of zero.
7. Do not submit the rubric with the assignment.
Grading Criteria Possible Points 100 Your
1. Title Page 5
2. Abstract 5
3. Introduction 5
4. Prompt 1 10
5.Prompt 2 10
6.Prompt 3 10
7.Prompt 4 10
8. Prompt 5-Summarize and describe the impact to your future nursing practice using the roles of the nurse. 15
8. Prompt 5-Summarize and describe the impact to your future nursing practice using the roles of the nurse. 15
9. Designated Conclusion section 5
10. Reference Page-At least five sources properly referenced on reference page. 5
11. Appendix-Appropriate Handout/Literature-Client Focused 5
12. Integration of all sources throughout the paper 5
13. Adherence to APA guidelines-running head, headers, subheadings, margins, font, etc. Refer to APA manual 5
14.Grammar 5
Total 100
The role of a nurse
Please use three roles of the nurse communicator, counselor, and coordinator to do prompt five paragraph. Please follow the rubric well, call me with any question
Course Syllabus Appendix
NURS 320 Maternal Child & Women’s Health Nursing
Spring 2015
Submitted to Curriculum January 2012, Approved by Faculty Organization January 2012
Submitted to Curriculum November 24, 2008
Approved by Faculty Organization January 2009
Coppin State University
Helene Fuld School of Nursing
Maternal Child Appendix
Spring 2015
Written Assignment
Select one of the following maternal-child health issues. Provide a complete and thorough explanation to the following questions.
An introductory and conclusion paragraphs are required.
Option 1: Cervical Cancer
Prompt One-Provide a brief overview of cervical cancer.
Prompt Two-What are the nursing care considerations associated with prevention and treatment of cervical cancer?
Prompt Three-Develop a teaching plan that will focus on prevention of cervical cancer.
Prompt Four-Discuss the impact of cervical cancer treatment and health care cost.
Prompt Five-As a future nurse (must include three roles of the nurse), how would you plan to address this issue?
Option 2: Domestic Violence
Prompt One-Provide an overview of domestic violence as it relates to pregnancy.
Prompt Two-Nursing care considerations related to domestic violence assessment.
Prompt Three-Discuss the impact of battering to the individual client, newborn and the family.
Prompt Four-What are the physical and mental assessment findings that the nurse may observe in a client who has been recently battered or battered in the past?
Prompt Five-As a future nurse (must include three roles of the nurse), how would you plan to address this issue?
Option 3: Ethical Issues
Prompt One-Provide an overview of an ethical issue such as: sustaining the mother’s life, antepartum care of the client who is 21 weeks gestation, genetic selection, Gardasil to vaccinate or not to vaccinate, contraception and/or teenage pregnancy
Prompt Two-Provide a personal perspective supporting or not supporting the ethical issue.
Prompt Three-Provide a societal perspective regarding the ethical issue.
Prompt Four-Nursing care considerations for the client including specific community organizations or community supports are available related to the ethical issue?
Prompt Five-As a future nurse (include three roles of the nurse), how would you plan to address this issue?
Option 4: Sexually Transmitted Infections and the Elderly
Prompt One-Provide an overview of this issue, identifying the statistical data.
Prompt Two-What are the care issues/challenges associated with elderly women who are diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections.
Prompt Three-Develop a prevention teaching plan for the elderly population.
Prompt Four- Discuss the impact that sex enhancement drugs have on this issue.
Prompt Five-As a future nurse (include three roles of the nurse), how would you plan to address the issue?
Option 5: Women and Heart Disease
Prompt One-Provide an overview of women’s health as it relates to myocardial infarction.
Prompt Two- Discuss the implications for the high mortality rate related to myocardial infarction among women.
Prompt Three-Identify nurse education related to heart disease prevention.
Prompt Four-Discuss the impact that Obama Care will have on the healthcare of women, specifically preventative healthcare.
Prompt Five-As a future nurse (must include the three roles of the nurse), how would you plan to address this issue?
Coppin State University
Helene Fuld School of Nursing
Assignment Grading Rubric
Directions for the paper/writing assignment:
1. You want to prepare this assignment in APA 6th edition format, must have at least five sources-two-three recent articles and at least two internet sources. You cannot use WebMD, HealthyMinds, emedicinehealth or Wikipedia. You need to use a quality internet source that has an identified author or Nationally/Internationally recognized organization.
2. Must have an introduction and conclusion
3. Use the questions for this assignment as subheadings in APA format. The question prompts serve as the body of the paper.
4. Paper should not exceed five (5) page excluding cover and reference page
5. Paper needs to be submitted by the posted due date. Need two (2) hardcopies and one TurnItIn attachment. The paper will not be graded if it is not submitted using TurnItIn and providing the hard copies.
6. If you quote, it must be limited to no more than 80 quoted words. Direct quotes are allowed, but must be limited to the 80 quoted words. You are required to use quotation notes. Ideally, the wording of the majority of the paper should be paraphrased. The document must be considered at least 70 percent original thought. Failure to achieve this standard will result in a grade of zero.
7. Do not submit the rubric with the assignment.
Grading Criteria Possible Points 100 Your
1. Title Page 5
2. Abstract 5
3. Introduction 5
4. Prompt 1 10
5.Prompt 2 10
6.Prompt 3 10
7.Prompt 4 10
8. Prompt 5-Summarize and describe the impact to your future nursing practice using the roles of the nurse. 15
9. Designated Conclusion section 5
10. Reference Page-At least five sources properly referenced on reference page. 5
11. Appendix-Appropriate Handout/Literature-Client Focused 5
12. Integration of all sources throughout the paper 5
13. Adherence to APA guidelines-running head, headers, subheadings, margins, font, etc. Refer to APA manual 5
14.Grammar 5
Total 100
Clinical Logs
Each student is expected keep a Log and bring the Log when they are scheduled for their Clinical Evaluation.
Section 1-Resume
Section 2-Self Reflection-Weekly
Section 3-Skills Checklist
Section 4- Antepartum, Intrapartum, Postpartum and Newborn Prep Sheets
Section 5-Care Plans
Section 6-Research (Submit two articles or Evidence-based Guideline and one paragraph reflection)
Medication Worksheet-Independent Assignment-Students are required to be familiar with the medications as a part of clinical preparation. These medications will be tested as a part of examinations as appropriate as well as on the quiz.
Trade Name of Medication Generic Name Use Route Side Effects Nursing Implications
Bethanechol Urecholine
Brethine Terbutaline
Celestone Betamethasone
Cleocin Clindamycin
Dilaudid Hydromorphone
Flu Vaccine
Hemabate Carboprost
Hepatitis Vaccine
Indocin Indomethacin
Magnesium Sulfate
Methergine Ergometrine Contraindicated with history of HTN, Heart Disease, Retained Placenta, Pre-Eclampsia or Eclampsia
Misoprostol (Cytotec) E1 Analog Prostaglandin
Mylicon Simethicone
Narcan Naloxone
Nubain Nalbuphine
Phenergan Promethazine
Pitocin Oxytocin No contraindication when administered postpartum
Stadol Butorphanol
Syntometrine Ergometrine and Oxytocin
Vistaril/Atarax Hydroxyzine
Vitamin K
Yutopar Ritodrine
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