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safety of food from carcinogen

The Office of Food Additive Safety (OFAS) at the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) of FDA is charged with, among other responsibilities, regulating industry to ensure that food contact substances and food additives are safe.


Using your course textbook, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, research on major regulations related to food safety. On the basis of your research, answer the following questions:


What are the ten microbiological agents that are implicated in food-borne illness? What are the measures for preventing food-borne illness?Describe practical methods for the prevention of food-borne illness and indicate how you apply them in your home or business.What are the procedures that a local health department might use for investigating an outbreak of food-borne illness?Explain a major regulation for protecting food from carcinogens and discuss its purpose. Do you think there should be any change in this regulation? Why or why not?What is the intended impact of food safety–related law on your local community?

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