Respond to Peers (due Monday, Day 7): In 125 to 200 words each, respond to at least two classmates. Provide feedback on any area of confusion and answer any questions your classmate has posted. Support your responses with information from the course materials (including the textbook), instructor guidance, articles, Ashford University Library, and Ashford Writing Center. Be sure to include
- A detailed explanation of why you agree (or disagree) with your classmate’s chosen style of argument for the research paper topic chosen.
- Suggestions for additional library search keywords for your classmate’s research paper topic.
- An analysis of your classmate’s thesis statement according to the textbook, the Ashford Writing Center, and other course materials.
Make every effort to read all posts and responses in this discussion. You are strongly encouraged to follow up with classmates who have responded to your post. As always, you may respond to more than two classmates if you choose.
1. My topic of choice is… The Center of Disease Control and Prevention has published information regarding the prevalence of childhood obesity in America today. Some critics argue that advertising for junk food, fast food, and sugary drinks are unethically targeting children and teenagers. Are companies obligated to adjust their business and advertising models to improve society’s health? Should advertising directed at children and teenagers be limited by government regulations? Or, should companies have the right to advertise any fashion they like without government interference? The argument I will be making is whether or not the businesses’ have, in fact, targeted children and teenagers, and whether or not this should be an allowable practice.
The type of argument I hope to make is a classic or traditional argument. I choose this type of argument because I want to provide my audience proper evidence. Using evidence that is logic and credible will allow my paper to persuade my readers with information that supports my claim.
My top ten keywords are: Obesity, United States, Government regulations, fast food, unethically targeting, teenagers, young adults, children, society health, advertisement, government interference.
My Thesis statement is: Should our government interfere with companies’ way of advertising junk food, fast food, and sugary drinks because of the growing rate of childhood obesity? Would it limit targeting children and teenagers, end childhood obesity, and improve society’s health as a whole?
The questions I have would be… What would be the best way to break down the keywords when so many questions are in the topic of choice?
Also, with so many questions asked in the topic of choice, how can I improve my thesis statement without trying to include every detail and question listed?
Attached is the Week 1 Discussion 2 Initial Post Template.
I chose the topic of school uniforms being worn by grades K-12. I think that school uniforms are a great idea! Children and teenagers can sometimes be very cruel towards their peers based on their wardrobe. Although there are other factors that play a part in bullying and mistreatment of peers by other peers, having school uniforms could diminish bullying due to clothing. If everyone wears the same thing, then no one can feel superior or inferior due to their clothing. This would take the focus off of clothing and more towards the importance of an education. My ten keywords are:
School: This word will be used often throughout the paper because this is a school matter.
Uniforms: Since the topic of the paper will be uniforms, I figured this would be an important word as well.
Bullying: Alot of students bully other students because of this issue.
Education: This should be the focus in school, but there are other distractions, such as clothing.
Students: This would affect them.
Teachers: Would have to take further steps to enforce dress code rules. They play a part in this as well.
Attire: I chose this word because its a synonym for clothing, wardrobe, etc. I dont want to be repetitive.
Age: In this case, the age group would be K-12, also very important.
Learning: This is the purpose of school, not clothing!
Focus: Focus should be on education, not what others are wearing.
Thesis Statement: I think that school age children, K-12, should be required to wear a school uniform.
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