Respond to Peers:
Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. In each response
- State what have you learned as a result of reading about your peer’s experience as well as how it was similar to or different from your own experience.
- Share your thoughts on how your classmate’s experience informed your own experience.
- Answer your classmates’ question about the assigned reading to the best of your knowledge.
Response posts must be 125 to 200 words in length. If you have questions about how to participate in discussions, consult “About Discussions” under the Course Home menu. You are not required to support your claims with additional scholarly sources; however, should you decide to use additional sources, make sure you properly cite any references. Refer to the Ashford Writing Center’s Citation and Reference Guide for guidelines on citing sources in APA style.
In this class, you have three tutoring services available: Paper Review, Live Chat, and Tutor E-mail. Click on the Ashford Writing Center (AWC) tab in the left-navigation menu to learn more about these tutoring options and how to get help with your writing. |
Please view the video Accessing Feedback in the Gradebook for guidance on how to review your instructor’s feedback when the post is graded.
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