Research and select 3 current epidemiological studies regarding risk factors that are associated with Diabetes. Use the following website to search for studies:
In a Word document:
Article 1:
Part one: Describe the criteria you used to select these papers (e.g., only English language, peer reviewed articles, only a specific age group, only US studies, etc).
Part two: Identify the articles according to type of risk factors studied (e.g., environmental, socio-economic, behavioral).
Part Three: Read each study using the Template for Assessment of Causation for Reviewing Epidemiological Studies.
Template for Assessment of Causality for Reviewing Epidemiological Studies
Causality Criteria Criteria to Evaluate Studies
Exposure, Intervention
Study design
Study Population
Main Result A. Description of the evidence
What was the exposure or intervention?
Was the outcome?
What was the study design?
What was the study population?
What was the main result?
Internal Validity
Observation bias
Recall bias
Chance B. Internal Validity (non-causal factors)
Are the results likely to be affected by observation bias?
Are results likely to be affected by recall bias?
Are the results likely be affected by confounding (list which ones)?
Are the results likely to be affected by chance?
Eligible population
Source population
Other population C. External validity – Generalization of results
Can the study results be applied to the eligible population?
Can the study results e applied to the source population?
Can the study results be applied to other relevant populations?
Part Four: Identify proximate and/or underlying determinants for each study.
Part Five: Answer the questions posed in the Template for Assessment of Causation for Reviewing Epidemiological Studies, for each study. Number each study, and list the title, and state each question in the format it appears on the template.
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