Class will be divided into small groups. This group will be expected to participate together in a recreation experience. The activity must be no less than 2 hours and a minimum of 30 additional minutes spent reflecting on the experience. The experience will require a response from you that integrates course material with your experience. This can be an argument and/or reaction to your recreation experiences. Submission types include but are not limited to: written reflection, video, blogs, and other multimedia accepted as approved by the instructor. The recreation experience response is due no later than June 9th and I have given you a class period towards the end of the semester as ‘release time’ for this assignment.
If you choose a paper, it should be 1-2 page, typed and double-spaced argument and/ or reaction to your out-of-class experience. These papers should integrate course materials in addition to details about what happened.
If you choose some other multimedia submission, the requirements are still to include an argument and/or reaction to the experience as well as an integration of course materials.
Here is a list of some questions to work through with your group. This will assist with your response.
Discuss the experience immediately following the completion of the activity. What are each individual’s immediate thoughts and feelings?
What domains did the activity address for each participant? (physical, social, cognitive, spiritual, emotional)
What type of activity did you participate in: social, cultural, sport, outdoor, mass media, tourism?
Looking at program implications for adult development. What implications had an influence in your experience? (p. 193-194-Edginton, Reading #4)
Flow: Did a flow experience happen for any of the participants? How or why?
Was this a new activity for any of the participants? Would you participate in this activity again?
What did you learn about yourself or other members of the group through this experience?
is a PRT3100 class,
(park,recreation and tourism)
the activity is Geocatching. (is an app, if you don’t know please google it.)
we have 4 group mates, we walk 2 hours, and one hours discussion.
we went 5 place, and find 4 boxes.
good experience, is hot but tired,
in my country there has same activity but is indoor game.
i am an international student, girl, 21, from china. no job.
follow all requirement carefully, thank you.
5 hours to complete.
Is this your assignment or some part of it?
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