One way to be a successful learner is to continually measure both your abilities and challenges throughout each of your HRM courses. In this assignment, you will complete an ungraded self-evaluation as an opportunity to examine your current experience with both academic preparedness and HR expertise.
The goal of this assessment is to be a prepared and knowledgeable learner with the skills to persist in succeeding in the HRM program. You should complete a self-assessment on the following areas:
Professional Communication.
- Tone.
- Grammar.
- Punctuation.
- Style.
Academic Writing.
- Tone.
- Grammar.
- Punctuation.
- Style.
Research Ability.
- Library search skills.
- Use of sources.
APA Skills.
- Referencing.
- Citing.
- Reference list development.
- Accuracy of referencing ability.
Your assessment should be 1–2 pages. The goal is to complete an honest assessment of your current abilities and to consider areas in which you could focus your improvements. Once you submit this assessment, your instructor will provide feedback on your current skills. Instructors will highlight strengths and suggest improvements.
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