Study Level:College
Page Count:5
Number of sources:4
Topic:Public administration
Order Number:4527
Details:Final Paper Guidelines The purpose of you’re your final
paper is to pull the information you have learned in the course to
prepare an essay that addresses the following issue. Public
administrators, especially city managers, are facing immense
challenges. Most local governments face increased demands for services
and reduced local revenues. In addition, local governments are
receiving less intergovernmental revenues from the federal and state
governments. Federal and state governments, however, are demanding
more of local governments in the form of unfunded mandates. Also,
citizens want increased participation and to be more involved in
government decisions. You are assigned to develop a plan to change the
job of a city manager in a medium-sized city with a population of
50,000 citizens. How would you structure the job of a city or county
manager to permit him or her to perform the other tasks related to
management, budgeting, personnel administration, perform in an ethical
manner and other work and at the same time perform the very time
consuming task of promoting public involvement? In answering this
question, draw upon what you have learned in this course to suggest,
possible, organizational changes, different communication techniques,
different skills and other approaches or tools that city and county
managers will need in the future. For example, should city and county
managers have different types of skills to be effective leaders, to
better manage personnel or prepare budgets? How could managers make
more effective use of electronic forms of communication and
management? Specifics: • The paper will be due before taking the
final exam. • The paper should be between 6-9 pages of text long not
including figures, tables, and references • Do not use appendices
• The paper should be double spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point font
• Use the APA reference style • Include 5 or more references (not
the Denhardt text). • Use four sections in the paper (details on
each section below) o Introduction 1-1.5pages o Background 1-2 pages o
Details of specific changes 3-4pages o Conclusion 1-1.5 pages
Introduction Outline the problems facing city managers in the current
environment and justify why you believe changes are needed in the job
of city manager in your city. Background Provide a summary of the
skills that city and county managers need to operate (awareness of
budgeting, personnel administration, organizational design, ethical
behavior, etc.) and why you believe the current skills and approaches
are not adequate for the current environment. Details Discuss in
detail the types of changes that should be made in the ways that the
manager in your city should operate. Be specific here. Don’t just
say that the current system of budget should be changed but describe
in detail the types of changes you would implement and justify your
recommendations. Conclusion Provide your estimate of how the changes
you propose will improve the operation of your city and address the
problems that you outline in the background section.
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