You will debate the use of video/online therapy and/or telephone therapy in the assessment and diagnosis of those individuals seeking counseling services. For the “pro” side, you agree with the use of video/online therapy and/or telephone therapy in the assessment and diagnosis of those individuals seeking counseling services
In your assignment, you are to answer the following instructions (e.g., grading rubric in syllabus):
1. Discuss your basic understanding of this emerging issue and of the research findings
2. Criticize aspects of this emerging issue and present your assigned side of the debate in a rational manner (e.g., in justifying the use of a method with a selected population)
3. Identify at least two critical dilemmas and/or points related to this issue (e.g., ethical/sociocultural concerns)
4. Make sure you use APA citations and references when referring to findings supporting your assigned side of the debate (e.g., APA refereed articles)(2-4 psychological articles)
5. Defend your position with compelling arguments and predict future trends on this emerging issue
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