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psychology: Evaluating Print vs. Internet Sources

Click through 10-12 Internet Resources on Family Policy provided for this class.  Using the criteria in the article below,   evaluate 3 of the websites listed for accuracy and credibility, placing your comments in the table provided. Then choose a website on your own that illustrates poor credibility and explain why you find it disreputable, in the final column of the table.  Post your table in the Forum.

Evaluating Print vs. Internet Sources


Forum 3: WEBSITE CREDIBILITY TABLE (also attached, below)


  Website #1 Website #2 Website #3 Website#4 (disreputable)
Publication process        
Authorship and affiliations        
Sources and quotations        
Bias and special interests        
Author qualifications        
Publication information        
400 Level Forum Grading Rubric


Possible points Student points
Met initial post deadline (Wednesday)  10  
Initial post is substantive  10  
Initial post is at least 400 words  10

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