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Psychology Chart

Unit VIII Psychological Disorder Activity

As you pursue your career options, you may eventually choose to work as a mental health coordinator, therapist, social

worker, or counselor. It will behoove you to possess the ability to recognize the signs of various mental disorders, and

treatment options available for them.

For this assignment, you will need to create a four-column chart that will list the disorder, the classification it falls under,

the symptoms/characteristics, and the treatment options. Use Microsoft Word to create your chart and cite the references,

using APA format. You must utilize your textbook and at least one additional source. (All sources used, including the

textbook, must be referenced. Paraphrased and quoted material must have citations as well.)

Your chart should include TEN of the following:

 Generalized anxiety disorder

 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

 Panic disorder

 Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

 Social phobia

 Depression

 Bipolar disorder

 Seasonal affective disorder

 Antisocial personality disorder

 Narcissistic personality disorder

 Dissociative identity disorder or multiple personality disorder (MPD)

 Schizophrenia

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