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Psychology: Case Vignette

Select Case Vignette

You will select one of the three case vignettes to use for your final course project. The project will be a mock forensic assessment report incorporating the major topics from each module.

For this assignment, analyze the information provided in any of the provided case vignettes and begin to formulate hypotheses based on the referral questions.



You can identify the referral question from the case vignette you choose. You might also consider the following referral questions in formulating your hypothesis:

  • As a forensic mental health professional, what factors do you need to consider in your psychological testing for the forensic assessment report?
  • What behavioral observations do you make about the client after reading the case vignette?
  • What are your assessment options in working with the client?
  • What standard and accepted psychological tests might you apply to your client in forensic settings?
  • How will you recognize and evaluate your client’s offender behaviors associated with malingering and deception?
  • What theoretical orientation do you want to use in this case?


In a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document, address the following:

  • Describe the case scenario you have selected.
  • Identify the reason for a referral.
  • Identify the purpose of the forensic assessment and report.
  • Present your impressions of the client.
  • Describe your professional role and relationship with the court and the third party requesting the assessment or evaluation.
  • Explain the hypotheses you have formulated.

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