For this week’s journal, use this self-reflection rubric to evaluate the effectiveness of your lesson plan from Week Four. Elaborate on the areas of strength in your lesson plan, as well as those areas in need of improvement. provide an evaluation of at least three of your classmates’ lesson plans that were uploaded to the Doc Sharing Tab last week. Using the rubric, provide justification and an explanation of how you scored their areas of strength and areas in need of improvement.
- What was easy for me in planning the lesson? Why?
- What components were difficult for me to complete when planning the lesson? Why?
- What do I want to improve on when creating lesson plans?
- How will this assignment help me in my future role?
Evaluate 3- peer’s Lesson plans
Evaluation of Peer’s Lesson Plan:
Areas of Reflection:
Evaluation of Peer’s Lesson Plan:
Areas of Reflection
Evaluation of Peer’s Lesson Plan:
Areas of Reflection
This is the three peers lesson plans, Listed below-
1)Lesson Plan Template –1 peer’s Name is Mirna Roman
For a more detailed explanation, including examples, of each section within the Lesson Plan Template, please
view the Lesson Plan Handbook.
Lesson Plan Template – Overview
For a more detailed explanation, including examples, of each section within the Lesson Plan Template, please
view the Lesson Plan Handbook.
Content Area or Developmental Focus:
Age/Grade of Children:
Length of Lesson:
Goal The goal is the purpose of the lesson.
Objective The objective is what students will be able to
know or do at the end of the lesson.
Standards Included
Standards are the knowledge or skills that
students will be expected to demonstrate.
Depending on the age of the children you are
working with, you will choose the appropriate
standard from the list below:
Birth to Age 3: Developmental Milestones.
Click HERE to locate a developmental
milestone checklist that includes
developmental standards.
Ages 3 to 5: Early Learning Guidelines.
Click HERE to locate the Early Learning
Guidelines for your state.
Head Start Framework: If you work in a
Head Start program, please click HERE to
choose a standard from the Head Start Early
Learning Framework.
K-3: Click HERE to locate the Kindergarten
through 3rd grade standards for your state.
Materials The materials section lists all items needed
throughout a lesson.
The introduction is how you will introduce
the activity so your students are interested,
engaged, and have the opportunity to think
about any background knowledge/experience
that they may have.
Lesson Development:
The lesson development section includes the
steps that you will take to teach the lesson
including any modeling, direct instruction,
centers, etc. that will be utilized. Sometimes
this is also referred to as the “procedures”
section of the lesson plan.
Often times you will have students that you
will need to include modifications for when
The introduction is how you will introduce
the activity so your students are interested,
engaged, and have the opportunity to think
about any background knowledge/experience
that they may have.
Lesson Development:
The lesson development section includes the
steps that you will take to teach the lesson
including any modeling, direct instruction,
centers, etc. that will be utilized. Sometimes
this is also referred to as the “procedures”
section of the lesson plan.
Often times you will have students that you
will need to include modifications for when
you are developing a lesson. In this section
you will need to explain how you could
modify your lesson to meet the needs of the
different children you are working with.
These modifications may apply to the lesson
development section, the practice/check for
understanding section, or both.
(Practice/ Checking for
Students are given the opportunity to apply
what they have learned in a formal or
informal way. You will need to describe what
you will do to assess student learning. It can
be through guided practice and/or
independent practice. Guided practice allows
students to demonstrate their understanding of
the material while the teacher is present and
can provide needed assistance. Independent
practice might be group work, projects, or
Closing Here the ECE teacher/provider reviews the
highlights of the lesson and brings closure to
the activity.
Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Plan Template
Content Area or Developmental Focus: Science: Butterfly Life Cycle
Age/Grade of Children: Kindergarten- age 5-6
Length of Lesson:45 minutes.
To teach the lifecycle of a butterfly.
The students will be able to remember the life
cycle in stages of a butterfly wising a guided
life cycle stage map.
Standards Included
Developmental Checklist – 4 to 5 years.
Arizona’s College and Career Ready
Standards-English Language Arts- Speaking
and Listening Standards K-2- 1.SL.4-
Describe people, places, things and events
with relevant details, expressing ideas and
To teach the lifecycle of a butterfly.
The students will be able to remember the life
cycle in stages of a butterfly wising a guided
life cycle stage map.
Standards Included
Developmental Checklist – 4 to 5 years.
Arizona’s College and Career Ready
Standards-English Language Arts- Speaking
and Listening Standards K-2- 1.SL.4-
Describe people, places, things and events
with relevant details, expressing ideas and
feelings clearly (Zaur & Bodamer, 2015).
Materials used will be a sheet of the butterfly
life cycle for each students (black and white
so they can color in.), crayons, visual life
color pictures of the life cycle of a butterfly to
show students, a short clip on computer of the
process of the actual butterfly life cycle.
“Hello class! Today we will be learning about
the amazing life cycle of a butterfly.” “Can
anybody tell what they know about
butterflies?” Waits for response. “Great
answers from all of you, I’m going to tell you
all about the stages that a butterfly goes
through in order to become a butterfly. From
how they start being a small little egg to a
beautiful flying butterfly. First we will start
by showing viewing a small clip of the live
process in a butterflies life cycle. Shows class
small clip. ”I’m going to pass out a work
sheet which shows you the stages in order and
you will color the cycle in as we go in order
together.” Then show pictures of: Stage 1-
Egg , Stage (Larve), 2- Caterpillar (Pupa),
Stage 3- Chrysalis (Pupa), Stage 4 – Butterfly.
Lesson Development
1- Show small clip of butterflies.
2-Gives students work sheet of butterfly life
cycle and crayons.
3- Shows picture to students of the stages in
order and talks a little about it while students
color in stage.
4- Ask the class in whole to repeat stages and
compliments students coloring.
Shows again pictures to each students who
needs extra help and help them with the
repeating of stages and helps them color by
letting them select the colors they prefer.
(Practice/ Checking for
1- Show a picture of a certain stage to
students and ask them they remember the
name of the life cycle along with asking them
cycle and crayons.
3- Shows picture to students of the stages in
order and talks a little about it while students
color in stage.
4- Ask the class in whole to repeat stages and
compliments students coloring.
Shows again pictures to each students who
needs extra help and help them with the
repeating of stages and helps them color by
letting them select the colors they prefer.
(Practice/ Checking for
1- Show a picture of a certain stage to
students and ask them they remember the
name of the life cycle along with asking them
if they can remember the life cycle process
while pointing at their color picture in order.
* I will be able to tell if students have
remembered and also check on their verbal
Tell students that they have done a great job
in their coloring pictures as well as praising
their memory skills and that I will be putting
their work up on our wall for the week. At the
end of the week students can take their work
home and show their families their work
along with telling them what they have
learned about the butterfly life cycle .
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