The Paper Prep assignment requires the identification of a topic for the Final Paper, a thesis statement, and an annotated bibliography consisting of 5-7 scholarly sources that will be used in the final paper.
(Please also review the instructions for the final paper before completing this Paper Prep assignment so that you have a big picture of what will be expected in the final paper.)
Note that your assignment is set to be automatically submitted to Once you submit your assignment you and I will both receive an Originality Report. In general, Originality Reports returning scores of 25% or higher indicate a warning for potential plagiarism, excluding references.
Select from the list below one historical theorist featured in the course assigned readings but not discussed extensively in class. Theorist options include:
Alfred Adler
Gordon Allport
Steven Pinker
B. F. Skinner
Kurt Lewin
Karen Horney
Carl Jung
Roger Sperry
Milicent W. Shinn
John Broadus Watson
George Kelly
Ethel Puffer Howes
Carl Rogers
Rollo Reese May
Mary Calkins
Compose your Paper Preparation assignment with the following included:
A title page in APA format (Times New Roman, 12 font only). Title page should have a running head left-aligned at the top, your full name, the course name and number, title of the paper, instructor’s name and date paper is submitted.
A thesis statement stating the primary focus of the paper
Two or three substantial and thorough paragraphs describing the key concepts of the theorist’s theory to be used for the Course Paper.
An annotated bibliography – An annotated bibliography is comprised of an APA formatted list of all articles to be used in a paper or other project with a brief summary under each article’s listing. Its purpose is to assist with the determination of best suited articles for the assignment, and the development of your full paper. You will need to use 5 to 7 peer-reviewed journal articles or other academic publications that are considered to have reliable information. (Popular media sources such as magazines, newspapers, websites, opinion pieces, blogs, Wikipedia, Wikispaces etc. are not considered academic sources.) To help you determine what an appropriate academic source is go to:
Each annotated bibliography article summary must include the following:
-The article’s author, date of publication, title and journal in which it was published in APA format as you would list it in a References list. (Please see document provided under the Resources tab for help with APA guidelines.)
-Five to seven sentences summarizing the article’s focus. If the article includes research studies, describe the research that was conducted by the article authors (Ex: An experimental study investigating the interaction of short term memory and attention), and major findings.
-A sentence at the end of the summary describing the relevance for using the article in your paper. In other words, how does the article relate to your thesis? How does the article tie-in with the other articles being used?
Article summaries must also include citations (also referred to as source credits) in the body.
Important note: Do NOT save your work as a pdf or use any type of template when completing your assignment or I will not be able to insert comments/feedback on it.
Complete and attach your paper as a Word or Rich Text document (NOT pdf) at the assignment link. It is due by 11:55 p.m. Sunday of Week 7 at 11:55 pm Eastern Time.
Please note that your paper will be automatically submitted to when you attach it here at the assignment link. You and I will both receive an Originality Report. Originality Reports returning scores of 25% or higher indicate a warning for potential plagiarism, excluding references.
Your paper must be APA formatted, 7-8 pages in length (not including the title page, reference page, and annotated bibliography), and based on the course textbook plus 5 to 7 peer-reviewed scholarly articles related to the theory developed by the theorist you selected in Week 3 for your Paper Preparation assignment. (The list of theorists from the week 3 Paper Prep assignment is reiterated below.)
For your paper you must use the same theorist you selected for the Week 3 Paper Preparation assignment, and the sources you listed in your Annotated Bibliography Paper Prep assignment. You cannot change theorists after the Paper Preparation Assignment has been attached to the Assignments page.
Alfred Adler
Gordon Allport
Steven Pinker
B. F. Skinner
Kurt Lewin
Karen Horney
Carl Jung
Roger Sperry
Milicent W. Shinn
John Broadus Watson
George Kelly
Ethel Puffer Howes
Carl Rogers
Rollo Reese May
Mary Calkins
The week 7 paper must reflect knowledge of course content and critical thinking, and include the following:
1. APA-formatted title page with–
– Running head, left-aligned (this should be included at the top of every page)
– Your full name
– The course name and number
– The title of paper
– Your instructor’s name
– The date the paper is submitted
2. Main body:
-Paper will begin with an introductory paragraph that articulates a succinct thesis statement.
– Paper must be double-spaced, contain 1 inch margins, and 12 point Times New Roman font used.
– Paper must include source credits in the body using APA style.
3. Required Subheadings: Paper must contain the following subheadings in the body:
– Theorist Biography: A succinct biography of the theorist, two pages in length and relevant to the purpose of the paper.
– Contributions: A two page detailed explanation of the theorist’s most important contributions to the field and description of the theorist’s empirical research methodologies.
– Evaluation: A two page critical evaluation of the strengths and limitations of your selected theorist’s theory.
– Personal Response: A one to two page personal response to how you see the components of the theory you selected in operation in your everyday life. This should not be a discussion of your personal life, but a selection of concepts applied to your life as you see them through the eyes/concepts of the theorist. How does each concept apply to your life?
4. Conclusion: Paper will conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a summary conclusion paragraph.
5. Reference Page: An APA formatted Reference page listing all sources used in the paper will follow the paper conclusion.
6. Annotated Bibliography: The annotated bibliography developed earlier in the course in the Paper Preparation assignment will follow the Reference page. Note that you must submit BOTH a References Page and the Annotated Bibliography.
Note: Any images and tables used must be placed in an Appendix section following the Annotated Bibliography and are not considered part of the paper body content.
Important note: Save your work as a Word doc or .rtf file, NOT as a pdf. Also, please do not use any type of template when completing your assignment or I will not be able to insert comments on your assignment.
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