1. Brief description:
You will write a 2–4-page outline that synthesizes and applies the core concepts of this course in a real world setting. For each item required in the final paper, write 3 sentences summarizing your intended goals for the section. Create a church (or you may use a real church as a model) and propose a full inclusion children’s ministry program that will meet the needs of one specific child who they also create. Describe the church and current children’s ministry and then present a proposal that includes a scientific (i.e., research-based) and biblical rationale, and the resources needed. In addition, identify a fictional child and describe that child’s disability (including current research in the area), church-family partnership opportunities for IEP/IFSP goals, and a long-term plan for the ministry.
2. Due date:
The outline must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 5.
3. Purpose:
The purpose of the outline is to improve your research and communication skills, while increasing your knowledge of a specific content area of interest. In addition, it will provide you with a creative way of synthesizing and applying core course concepts in a way that will deepen your understanding of the topic. Finally, this will ensure that you are thinking about the final project throughout the term and allows for instructor feedback throughout the process.
4. Details:
You will specifically address a hypothetical child with special needs who is already active in the church’s children’s ministry programming. You may select a disability that interests you or with which you feel called to work. The outline for the prospectus must include 3 or more sentences summarizing your proposed direction for each of the following:
A brief overview of the church
A brief overview of the current children’s ministry
A rationale (scientific) for full inclusion
A rationale (biblical) for full inclusion, including a “mission statement” for a special needs ministry.
A proposal of the key elements needed for a successful full inclusion program at the church (e.g., volunteers, training, adaptive materials, etc.)
A summary of the hypothetical child and a research section detailing the specific disability (etiology, prevalence, characteristics, prognosis, current research in the field, social dynamics, etc.)
A section specifically addressing how the church could partner with the family and other service professionals to meet four specific goals, including one spiritual development goal
A plan for growth in the area of special needs ministry in the coming year and 5 years down the road (please include 3–5 specific goals that are measurable and can be evaluated)
5. Format:
Title page, at least 2–4 full pages of content, and a reference page need to be included. You must use Times New Roman and 12 pt font. This assignment must be formatted in American Psychological Association (APA) current ed. format and will have no less than 3 current, professional/scholarly resources in addition to the textbook and Bible identified in the outline. The list of sources in the references must exactly match the sources cited in the outline.
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