Lesson 1
• Select individual two companies, which are longer than 5 years and more than 50 employees include: the two companies have two different sectors (manufacturing, trade, service or public sector)
• Explain what motives you have to correct these companies to investigate. Describe the development of the organization over the past three years.
• Research which products are delivered and who the main customer target groups. What resources are needed?
• Who are the main competitors and how much market share it globally?
• How is the HR department organized and specialties can you distinguish?
• Research and specify concrete objectives which your companies pursuing the source.
Lesson 2
• Choose from one of ‘your’ companies have a product or service. Describe global steps how this product or service is created and how it ultimately to the customer or end user gets
• Who or what brings this process? (In other words, what is the trigger?)
• Which areas of the company are involved in this process?
• How does the process transfer and coordination between the various departments place?
• What do you think are the biggest risks in the process (what can go wrong, how likely is this happening and what are the consequences?). What steps can you take to counter these risks or limit?
Lesson 3
• Choose a manufacturing or trading company (you have company from lesson 1 or 2). Describe the primary process of the company according to the method of stepwise description (see book p. 34)
• Describe now the same process in the form of a flow chart (see book p.35)
• What are key selection or selection points in the process?
• Specify the flow of goods again according to the method of Figure 2.13 in the book (p. 46)
• What do you see opportunities to improve following the previous orders?
Lesson 4
• What services do you fit better with an HRM department: business services and personal services? Please state your arguments
• Describe the main products and services of the HR department of your company.
• Describe a process diagram a business service from the HR department of your company.
• Set a process diagram of a personal service of the HR department and light this schema.
• What do you see as the main differences between the process of business services and the process of personal service?
Lesson 5
• Choose a municipal organization (you have company from lesson 1 or 2) and examine how it is organized.
• Indicate the main customer groups of this municipality.
• What do you notice when you compare this organization with the other companies surveyed by you?
• What forms of division of labor (F, P, G, M) be handled?
• Consider how ICT is used for the (improved) services.
• We now make a trip to the national government. For several years, a Shared Service Center (SSC) appointed, the so-called p-direct. Search the web what the function of p-direct and what services and products p-direct shipping. Describe also the role of ICT in the development of this SSC. What are the benefits SSC for the government?
Lesson 6
• Draw the chart of one of your chosen companies.
• Describe the technical transformation process (transformation).
• What are the primary processes of your chosen organization? Describe two of these processes on the basis of an overall process scheme.
• Find out what the job requirements for the management at your chosen companies. What strikes you, you will see differences / similarities?
• How are processes controlled? Give three examples.
Lesson 7
• Describe the main tasks of the different management levels of the 2 companies.
• What are the main coordination mechanisms? What connection can be found in the product-market environment?
• Analyze and specify the main front & main disadvantages of this for every company.
• From the dependence (interdependence) is present in the coordination of departments and employees?
• At what stage of growth (pg.55) are the companies and explain your answer.
• What core competencies of the employees? Herein is invested by the company and in what way?
• Can you find the differences observed between the companies explained?
Lesson 8
• Analyze using the theory the org chart of the 2 companies, what are your main conclusions with respect to vertical – and horizontal decentralization?
• Describe the consultative structure of each company. What differences recognize you?
• Which staff and emergency services are there, how many and what functions?
• Is the afd.HRM emergency or a staff service?
• What is the development of the illness in the past two years and who is working on this?
Lesson 9
• Portfolio, are a company working on the outlines using a process diagram?
• Is there a HRM process described and analyzed for improvement?
• Is the org structure is analyzed by means of the theory?
• Adjusts the internal organization of the major external developments?
• Is the correct source is used and your conclusions follow logically from the structure of your story?
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