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How do particular enterprises make themselves ‘desirable’ internationally?

Question: How do particular enterprises make themselves ‘desirable’ internationally? Enterprises/products/services you would define as desirable to yourself or your family.
Basically need to focuses on any 2 enterprises globally.
? Apple
? Google
? Coca-Cola
(Please choose any 2 of these companies) These are the five companies that I am interested to write the executive summary on, feel free to add and work on any other company but excluding MC Donald’s. The companies should be globally.
1000 words, basically the assignment is an executive summary but in report format. So it can include headings and sub headings.
Please include in text and end text, use online articles, books, journals with academic standard.
Here is a link that I found, use it if useful
Marking criteria
This section should outline the marking criteria for the assignment so that students know what they need to do in order to perform satisfactorily in the assignment.
Grade Related Descriptors
Grades Depth and breadth of Coverage Critical Elements Structure, Language and Conventions
80 – 100% All aspects of the questions were covered in a thorough way. The essay shows great depth of thought, excellent development of argument, logical analysis and insight into the subject All aspects of the essay conform to a high journalistic/academic standard.
70% – 79% Most aspects of the question were addressed in great depth. The essay shows some evidence of analysis, supported by logical argument and insight into the subject. Most aspects of the essay conform to a high journalistic/academic standard.
Credit Pass
60% – 69% Most aspects of the question were addressed adequately. The essay shows evidence of elementary analysis and the development of argument. Most aspects of the essay conform to an acceptable journalistic/ academic standard.
50% – 59% Key aspects of the question were addressed adequately. The essay is mainly descriptive, showing basic understanding of the topic. The essay displays basic essay structure.
50% Responses were superficial and / or inadequately addressed the question. The essay demonstrates limited understanding of the topic. The essay is not of an academic standard.

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