NMDS/NMMDS – Nursing Minimum Data Set/Nursing Management Minimum Data Set
Need a 5 minute powerpoint presentation. You will be assigned this standard to research: NMDS/NMMDS – Nursing Minimum Data Set/Nursing Management Minimum Data Set. You must create a 5 minute PowerPoint presentation, with voice*, to post to the discussion board. In addition provide notes for your screens (at the bottom of each slide) that depicts your voice narration.
• Include at least one page each that indicates use of text, bullets, background, pictures/images, charts, lines.
• The narrative (voice recording) should include the general concepts/purpose of the standard as well as the following:
o History of the standard
o Targeted discipline
o Use mechanism / example
o Industry acceptance
This is the Data Standard: NMDS/NMMDS – Nursing Minimum Data Set/Nursing Management Minimum Data Set
When presenting on a topic, as important as it is to feel comfortable with the content, the audience looks for a “pleasing to the eye” presentation. I would like to see some creativity and use of various features from powerpoint in your presentation.
• Choose a background for your slides.
• Present the content in bullets (the content would be the text) – I do not want a whole slide of text – just bullets or what would be talking points as if you were actually presenting this to an audience.
• Use clip art or images to make the slide more appealing.
• Be careful about overdoing it with animation. Sometimes having every line “fly” in can be too much.
• Try to use lines, arrows, charts if appropriate in relaying the information.
• Bottom line – be a little creative. I am looking for more than a white slide background with bullets on each slide.
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