The Nursing Leadership and Change Agent Paper/Project will cover the following three course outcomes of Nursing 208 and your ability to:
1.List characteristics of a nurse leader (6.4i).
2. Examine characteristics and qualities of current and historical nurse leaders (6.2i).
3. Identify change agents and discuss approaches to enable change within healthcare (6.3i).
4. Engage with another peer to accomplish a common goal.
This assignment will be completed in a group setting consisting of you and another peer in this course. You may work together as a team to develop both your paper and PowerPoint presentation. You may choose your own partner.
1. The paper will consist of the following sections and should be no more 3-5 pages in length:
a. Introduction
b. Characteristics of a nurse leader
c. Identification of a current nurse leader
d. How your particular nurse leader has lead or could lead changes in healthcare
e. Conclusion
2. A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation containing:
a. A summary of your paper in 10 slides, not including a reference page.
3. Self-evaluation of your ability to work within a group
4. Peer-evaluation of your partner’s ability to work within a group.
This assignment is worth 125 points.
Please see the Nursing Leadership and Change Agent Paper/Project Rubric prior to beginning.
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