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Nursing ethical questions

Directions: Please answer the questions below and be prepared to discuss them with a partner, small group, or with the class.  In this exercise you will look at life from the perspective of your own death.  You will write your own eulogy and epitaph.  Choose one of the two following perspectives:


1)    *As if you were to die tonight.  OR 2) as if you were to die sometime well into the future.


Eulogy: What others would say about you and about what your life meant to them after you died.  What would your friends, relatives and associates say about you at your funeral?  How did your life impact those who survive you?


Epitaph: The inscription you would like to have on your tombstone.  No More than 2 lines.  Include date of birth and date of death.


  1. Write your eulogy as you believe it might actually be said by the person who will miss you the most after you are dead. Tell who would be saying this and what their relationship to you is. (You may use the back of this sheet if you need more room.)



















Journal Exercise “D” continued (Use the back of this sheet if you need more space)


  1. Write your epitaph as you would like it to be seen on your tombstone or urn (if you are going to be cremated).  Include the date of birth and a specific date of death.






  1. Tell why you selected the date of death listed above.






  1. Thinking about how you would like others to remember you after you die, complete the following sentence using 3 or 4 adjectives.


He/she was always________________________________________________________



  1. As you examine and evaluate your life right now, what changes do you need to make in order to be remembered as the person you described in # 4?  How will you make these changes?










  1. What feelings or thoughts regarding death or life did you experience while doing this exercise?  Why?


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