Narrow Banking
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2 Days, 03 Hrs, 16 Min )
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# pages
8 ( or 2200 words Minimum)
Double Spacing
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Paper Details
Assignment Topic:
In the aftermath of the financial crisis the legal separation of the trading operations of large universal banking groups was proposed. One option is the separation of retail banking through the concept known as “Narrow Banking” that has been suggested by a number of economists and commentators as a solution to the risk taking in financial services.
Discuss the arguments for and against this form of structural regulation as a as a solution to regulating the industry in the 21st century and to reduce the danger of systemic risk.
(Word Count 2000 – 2500 words approximately)
Note: As recommended reading to get you started the following articles are suggested.
Kay J (2009), Narrow Banking, The Reform of Banking Regulation, submission to government review
Vickers J (2012), Some Economics of Banking Reform, Oxford University discussion papers series number 632
Turner A et al. (2010), The Future of Finance: The LSE Report, London School of Economics and Political Science. Chapter 8, Should we have “narrow banking”?
Phillips R J, (1995) Narrow Banking Reconsidered; the Functional approach to Financial Reform, Public policy brief // Jerome Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, No. 17
Wilmarth, A E (2012), Narrow Banking: An Overdue Reform That Could Solve The Too-Big-to-Fail Problem and Align U.S. and U.K. Regulation Of Financial Conglomerates, George Washington University, Banking & Financial Services Policy Report, 1,
You should refer to the articles provided above in relation to this topic and you should also refer to further articles in relation to this topic. This would be expected in the better papers.
All articles should be correctly cited and referenced (including those provided above).
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