Study Level:Undergraduate
Page Count:15
Number of sources:20
Deadline: Wed, Jan, 2 pm
Topic:Myanmar’s Climate: Impact on the land, people, and weather
Order Number:2989
Details:The class project is individual studies of a specific region of interest and have the following format: 1. Problem Statement – location, climate, literature, impact issue. 2. Method – What you are evaluating (climate sensitivity, sectorial impacts, changing land use, etc.) 3. Results – Time series of temperature change, basic analysis, and/or descriptive discussion of climate and impacts. 4. Discussion – why this is important, how these results agree/disagree. 5. Conclusion – What you would do if you were an effective policy decision maker for this region. – SHOW UNDERSTANDING OF A REGION’S CLIMATE AND ADDRESS IMPACT AND ADAPTATION STRATEGIES. – ANY PICTURES, GRAPHS AND DIAGRAM ARE ALLOWED.
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