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Marketing Plan

Study Level:College
Page Count:4
Number of sources:5
Topic:Marketing Plan
Order Number:9336
Details:Develop a marketing plan for a sports enterprise (e.g. professional, school, or community program). You can select a particular \”real\” enterprise or use a fictitious one. You will take the position of the manager and develop a plan that you will implement through your employees and/or contractors. You will make sure this program is feasible when assessing it from a senior management perspective. Focus of the Marketing Plan The plan will address the following: •Construct an overview of internal and external contingencies, describing at least two internal and three external contingencies and how they impact the sports marketing plan. •Justify market selection decisions including the psychological and sociological factors as influences. Include targeting and positioning of the product(s). •Generate a Sports Marketing Mix for your organization to address the promotion mix of advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and pricing. •Create a plan for the marketing process. Within that plan include a control phase and an implementation strategy. Any unique issues should also be addressed in this section, including the impact on facilities and any specific departments or segments of the organization impacted by the plan.

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