- Case Study #1: “Going Green” University Project – This case focuses on a university converting their present facilities to being “green” and is best suited to learners interested in project management within this capacity.
To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.
1. Choose and provide a summary description of a project that requires procurement management.
2.Annotated Outline and Bibliography: You will need to clearly lay out the structure of your plan and provide an initial set of annotated references for support.
About Your In-Depth Analysis
Concentrating on managing procurement processes, you will need to describe how each of the following work within your organization:
- Plan procurements.
- Conduct procurements.
- Administer procurements.
- Close procurements.
Your in-depth analysis should include the following:
- Evaluate the effectiveness of each process.
- List the roles and responsibilities of the project manager in each process.
- Propose best practices to improve three (or more) processes. Explain why your proposed improvements would make procurement more effective.
- Must be 8 pg. and follow APA format
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