Writer Deadline Date: 1104 1:21 PM
Number of Pages: 15
Number of Sources: 6
Type of Assignment: Essay
Study Level: Bachelor
Subject: Management
Citation Style: MLA
English: US
Native Speaker: Yes
Spacing: Double Spaced
Additional Materials Provided by Customer: No
Title Page: Yes
Outline: Yes
Bibliography/Reference Page: Yes
Topic: Managing Diversity in Emirates General Petroleum Corporation
Order Description:
My Research is about Managing Diversity in Emirates General Petroleum Corporation 1) Introduction ( History about Emirates General Petroleum Corporation
2)HR department in are : HR Operation HR operation & Service Learning & Development Recruitment & planning Rewards & Policy 3Managing
Diversity with below element affect environment ( Nationality example if we have 10 Indian how many female and how many male by gender for all
nationality Language Education Customer care Tenure) 4Opinion 5 Application from the book choose an area where it suit me based on the research
choose any chapter. The book name is Managing Diversity Toward a Global inclusive workplace ( Michalle E. Mor Barak) 6 Possible position after 5 to 10 years
7 Interview / Opinion from selected person ( I will write down the name of the person he is Manpower Planning specialist in Emirates General Petroleum
Corporation) 8what did you learn from the project 9 conclusion 10 Reference
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