Attached: my past papers and professors comments Write a 2,000–3,000 word paper in APA format incorporating the feedback from your instructor throughout the course using the Business Design outline below. Apply an overview of the foundations examined throughout the course to a specific industry or company in the business sector and describe the implications for organizational leaders. Include a minimum of 7–10 scholarly sources using, Grantham’s Library, or the textbook. Be sure to include in-text citations supporting your research to include statements of fact, figures, and dates. Course APA Overview Course APA Overview Write in APA format. Include a title and reference page. No Abstract is required. Cite consistently throughout your work. APA consists of but is not limited to, the following: Running head with document title and page number on the title page. The document title is in ALL CAPS. Document title and page number only on subsequent pages First and second level headings. Introduction that outlines the topic of the paper and a brief overview of what you will discuss Conclusion does not introduce new information, but adequately summarizes the content of the assignment. Correctly formatted in-text and referenced citations using scholarly resources Students must demonstrate an understanding of lesson concepts and respond to questions that provide the reader with enough information by including examples substantiating one’s thoughts, feelings, perceptions, or research on the topic. Offering personal or business examples relating to the content will engage the reader for subjects under discussion. Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts using scholarly sources: Grantham’s library, Google scholar, or the textbook. Paragraphs must use proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling to help meet APA requirements on clarity. Write concisely. Use past tense when referring to literature, for example, Schemerhorn and Bachrach (2014) stated. Do not begin or end a sentence with a preposition, such as “it, but, with, or because. Do not use contractions Do not use jargon where the vocabulary is not relevant Do not use “you, we, or pronouns (their, those, them, or this)” Do not write sentences longer than 40 words. Each paragraph must have at least four well-developed sentences. Paraphrase rather than a direct quote. Avoid Anthropomorphism. When an author attributes human characteristics to an animal or an inanimate object, such as this paper will discuss…. papers cannot talk. The phrase could read: I will discuss.. Business Design Outline The Student BA500-Management Instructor Date Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary 1.1 Objective 1.2 Mission 1.3 Keys to Success 2.0 Explain the roles, functions, and management approaches to leading 2.1 Levels of Management 2.2 Planning 2.3 Organizing 2.4 Leading 2.5 Controlling 2.6 Classical Management 2.7 Behavioral Management 2.8 Modern Management 3.0 Describe Formal and Informal Structures 3.1 Functional 3.2 Divisional 3.3 Matrix 4.0 Organizing Resources 4.1 Divide Work 4.2 Arrange Resources 4.3 Coordinate Activities 5.0 Alternative Views of Ethics 5.1 Utilitarian 5.2 Individualism 5.3 Moral-rights 5.4 Commutative Justice 6.0 Emotional Intelligence 6.1 Self-Awareness 6.2 Social Awareness 6.3 Self-Management 6.4 Motivation and Persistence 6.5 Relationship Management 7.0 Teams 7.1 Forming 7.2 Storming 7.3 Norming 7.4 Performing 7.5 Adjourning
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