Hannah is a 31-year-old lab research technician who is devoted to her job of helping to find a cure for breast cancer, which took her paternal grandmother’s life. She has a nice duplex in the city where she works, and she considers the place home. She no longer needs a roommate to share the expenses, and she is pleased to be living in an environment that she has created. Hannah works long hours, but she always finds time to get together with friends, both male and female, most weekends. She likes to travel, and she often takes trips to interesting places, either with a friend or alone. Hannah considers her life very full and is worried that, unlike a few of her female friends, she isn’t feeling the “social clock” ticking. Go to The Life Cycle and the Social Clock and The Unmarried America website and search for information that might make Hannah feel better about her “social clock” not ticking. As a friend, what would you say to Hannah to help her feel better about her concerns?
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